Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dead Bodies Piled High, Holocaust Float To Appear On Parade Route

"Really, it makes no sense addressing this theme with drums and dancing girls," said Sergio Niskier, president of the Israelite Federation in Rio de Janeiro state, referring to the slaughter of Jews by Nazi Germany in World War Two.
"There are still survivors of that horror who have the marks of that tragedy on their skin," he said.

Rio's Carnival is famed for the parades by samba schools with glitzy floats and costumes and street parties where costumed revelers drink and dance all night.

The elaborately decorated floats are a key part of each samba school's presentation, along with thousands of dancers and drummers led by near naked Carnival queens.

When questioned concerning the float's appropriateness in the parade, Viradouro said that it is done respectfully and will be the only float that does not have dancers on top. After all, the theme of the parade is "shockers".

You can read more here.

Some questions:
-Is this appropriate?
-Do you think a venue of another nature would be better suited to handle such a message?
-Do you see any good coming out of this?
-What are your thoughts concerning the holocaust?
-Why do you think the Roman Catholic Church does not allow for Mary or Jesus to be displayed during the parade but they have yet to deny this float entrance into the parade?

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