Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Purpose Defined

I find that we are searching for things that we want, but don't necessarily need. I further find that we have a tendency to expect things that are not promised to us. What is more, we often make demands as if we have the right to impose our thoughts on those from whom we are demanding. These things will be the focus of this blog.

The posts you find here will cover the above broad ideals in the forms of politics, religion, current events, and a plethora of other topics in such a way as to cause you, the reader, to think about its relevance in your life and in the broader context of world culture.

Oh, some might ask why the name? Well, we live in a world that is so flooded with information that we swallow without ever taking the time to chew on it. Thus we become bogged down; even with the things we think are our rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit thereof.

I hope more than anything that this blog will allow for fruitful discussion and critical thinking on issues that we have just accepted on face-value for so long.

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