Thursday, May 31, 2007

Equal Rights & Suffrage For Apes?

According to a report given by John Berman, apes really can express their feelings. They really can express feelings of happiness, sadness, being scared, etc. Not only can they express their feelings, but they can utilize the english language to voice them and they can also understand your english diction. So be careful what you say when you are around them!

Berman states that he interviews a bonobo by the name of Kanzi. Kanzi utilizes a lexigram with 350 individual options and countles combos to communicate back with his human counterpart. The interview went suprisingly well for both of them; as this was the first time Berman interviewed an ape.

You can read more here.

Some questions:

-Your thoughts?
-What does this say about the capability that animals have?
-Does this challenge your thoughts on animals?
-Does this give animal right groups more ground to stand on?
-If you are religous, does this affect any of your beliefs?

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