Thursday, May 17, 2007

Parental Advisory: The Bible?

The Washington Post has a story on the restriction of scripture. Here is an excerpt from the article: Reports out of the former British colony confirm that "The Television and Entertainments Licensing Authority (Tela), which oversees the publishing industry," received "1,406 complaints" as of Wednesday that text within the holy book was "indecent." Those complaints cited instances of "violence, incest, rape and cannibalism" in both the Old and New Testaments. As a result, some municipal officials are contemplating the notion of regulating sales of the "Good Book" and including warning labels just like cigarettes.

You can read more here.

Some questions:

-If you are a Christian, moving past the emotional issues attached with this, what do you think about this mode of thinking?
-If the Bible is restricted to only adults due to graphic content such as rape, incest, & murder does it not matter in what context these accounts are surrounded?
-What are your thoughts on the number of complaints turned in?
-If you support the restriction of the bible to adults only, can you lay out your argument?

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