Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Rushed to Hospital: Unresponsive

Jerry Falwell, President of Liberty University and also known as being the face of the religious right back in the 80's, was found in his office unresponsive. He was fine this morning during breakfast with the University's Vice President, Ron Godwin. He is at a hospital in Lynchburg, VA where his condition is said to be gravely serious. Jerry Falwell has a history of heart conditions and is 73.

You can read more here.

UPDATE: Fallwell has Died.

REACTIONS: There appear to be a lot of people who disliked Falwell enough to sarcastically poke fun of him in his death.

Also here is a statement released by Larry Flynt (Hustler Magazine) concerning Jerry Falwell.

Some Questions:

-How would the death of Jerry Falwell effect Christianity? Fundamentalism?
-What is your view on the teachings of Falwell?
-What type of legacy do you think he will leave behind when he goes?
-What will become of Liberty University? Will it remain staunchly fundamental under new leadership?
-How should Christians, in a manner that represents Christ, react to his death?

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