1. My favorite overall commercial
2. Most creative.
3. Can't go wrong with the song, but why does the lizard "break wind"?
4. This one just makes me uncomfortable (and for the record, it makes me not want to buy peanuts!).
5. Sad use of celebrity to sale a drink. I feel sorry for that horse.
6. Pretty creative. Best use of baby in commercial.
7. See what happens when someone believes in you.
8. The best childhood toy ever invented!
9. Why are clowns kind of creepy?
10. Cars.com made some funny commercials as well.
You can watch them all here.
I didn't know there was a catagory for "best use of a baby in commercial." As a father of three, I will say that it was the spit up that made that commercial funny to me.
I also liked the Fed-Ex commercial with the giant birds.
I loved the baby e-trade commercials. And the cars.com. I'm like you--the peanut lady made me very uncomfortable.
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