Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Backroom Dealing During Super Tuesday

Romney, who addressed the state GOP convention in person Tuesday, comfortably led the first ballot at the convention, leading to a three-way second ballot contest between the three contenders.

Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic reported Tuesday that, after the first ballot, McCain’s campaign called his supporters there and urged them to vote in favor of Huckabee.

“Unfortunately, this is what Senator McCain’s inside Washington ways look like: he cut a backroom deal with the tax-and-spend candidate he thought could best stop Governor Romney’s campaign of conservative change,” Beth Myers, Romney’s campaign manager, said in a statement.

You can read more here.

Some questions:
-What do you make of this?
-Should this matter to you?
-Are our elections really democratic?
-If the allegation is true, what do you think McCain's reasoning was?

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