Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jackson, TN Tornado Links To Photos, Information & The "Why's" That Follow

With the number of posts on this blog continually growing concerning the recent tornado and its aftermath, I thought I would take a moment and organize the posts a little better for you.

1. This link will take you to all Jackson, TN tornado related posts.

2. This link will take you to all Jackson, TN tornado pictures and video.

3. This link will take you to Jackson, TN informational posts regarding the tornado.

4. This link will take you to thought provoking questions and answers concerning the "why's" of the Jackson, TN tornado damage and destruction (mainly dealing with God).

5. This link is a direct link to the Union University Recovery website where Union staff (Tim Ellsworth) has been faithful to update the students and public on the going-ons concerning the recovery process for Union in these days following the tornado disaster.

Please continue to pray for our community and help out in any way you can.


glenna marshall said...

Let me just say that I appreciate all your posts. I have visited numerous times to get updates and new pictures and footage of the destruction. I feel so far removed from it all, and yet it HURTS me to see it in pictures. Thanks for posting everything!

pastorbrianculver said...

Thank you for posting this. I have been fortunate in my life that a tornado has never really torn through my town (we have had major storms but nothing like the devastation that you have down there. When things calm down, and life gets back to some form of normalcy, it will be an opportunity to talk about God to people who think they will live forever. We have no guarantee of a tomorrow. My prayers are with you all down there!