Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Benefit Of Understanding The Purpose Of Marriage

A Chinese couple who recently married has struggled with living together after marriage. Even their honeymoon was botched by arguments and fights. A little over a month since the marriage they got into another argument and decided it would be a good thing to drink some alcohol to take the edge off and calm down. Below is what happened next.

"At about 10 p.m., Luo watched her husband get into bed without cleaning or washing his feet. In a fit of anger and intoxication, she set fire to the sheet he was sleeping in," the report said.

"When he awoke, the two began fighting before a very drunk Wang collapsed. As fire engulfed the bedroom. Luo escaped to the living room, leaving her other half to burn," it added.

You can read more here.

Some questions:
-What is the purpose of marriage?
-What do you think would have saved this man's life and marriage?
-Do you think a proper understanding of the purpose/intent of marriage is makes all the difference in the marriage relationship?
-What of religion? Does it play a role in marriage?
-Should this matter in marriage?

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