Tuesday, June 17, 2008

William & Glenna

I have made a new addition to my blog list. The same lady who keeps up "please don't call me for advice" keeps this one: William & Glenna.

I add this blog because I think it is a great picture of someone who is willing to share their struggles and make themselves vunerable (plus I hold them in high regards and they are good friends of ours ministering close to where I grew up). They have been struggling with the issue of having children and with God's guidance they have moved on to adoption (of course it was not that easy or quick). Currently they are in a place where they have held a child right after birth and was told the father may decide to keep his rights to the child. I cannot give anymore detail than that, but I would urge you to pray that God does as He sees fit to bring honor and glory to Himself. I would also ask that you pray that He gives William and Glenna the desire of their hearts as He is a good father who knows how to give good gifts. I would also ask that you pray for whatever the outcome that they trust in the sovereignty of God and that they find their joy and contentment in Him and Him alone.

It is a great blog and she has a great talent in writing. I would encourage you to check back there often.


j razz said...

Please see the update on their blog.

j razz

glenna marshall said...

Thank you for posting this and for praying for us!!
Our little miracle is sleeping next to me as I type this.

God is gracious and merciful!!