Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mormon Fundamentalist Prophet Attempted Suicide, But Not Really

President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Warren Jeffs attempted suicide several months before his conviction of rape as an accomplice. On Jan. 30 and Feb. 2, Jeffs threw himself against the walls and banged his head, Nielsen said.
In April, when Nielsen examined him, Jeffs replied "not really" when Nielsen asked whether he had truly intended to kill himself.

You can read more here.

Some questions:
-Can a prophet of "God" kill himself and still obtain the promise of salvation?
-How does this reflect on the LDS church even though they are not connected with the FLDS church?
-What are your thoughts on Mormonism and all its different branches?
-Will this type of publicity hurt Mitt Romney's presidential campaign? Should it?


Laz said...

Do you think the LDS views Jeffs as most evangelicals view Fred Phelps?

j razz said...

Maybe, but here is the thing: Jeffs upholds a teaching that was first instituted by Joseph Smith himself and only done away with to allow for state-hood of Utah. Now, Now there probably are some things that Jeffs strays from regarding fundamental Mormon doctrine (original doctrines) but then again, maybe not.

Regarding Phelps, I would think that he is further off-base from historic Christianity and Biblical Christianity to boot.

I would say that we both (LDS & Christians) regard them with the same mindset (embarassment to have them attached to our faiths) but Jeffs has one up on Phelps; he sticks to original Mormon teachings so as not to comprimise the teachings of the founding prophets.

j razz