Thursday, October 15, 2009

Russian Cloud Anomaly?

"Theories range from it being an alien mothership, proof of Russian weather modification technology - a weather weapon - or even a sign of the end of the world."

But meteorologists rejected theories of the supernatural calling it an optical effect.
The Moscow's weather bureau said several weather fronts had passed through Moscow as the sun shined from the west to cause the effect.
A spokesman for the bureau said: "This is purely an optical effect, although it does look impressive.
"If you look closer, you can see sun rays coming through that cloud. Most likely, the sun was setting when the video was being made."

You can read more here.

Some questions:
-Do you buy the UFO theory?
-Do you buy the "sunray's from the west" theory?
-What would you pose for a theory?
-At the end of the day, does this really matter?

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