Has this blog's authors gone MIA? Could this be the end of BDW? Will Batman be able to escape the ice block of Mr. Freeze? Will Robin make it to the commissioner in time?
All of these are fair questions and if you were/are a half way interested reader, it is a pertinent one.
Well, I have no intention on shutting down, however I don't think I (j razz) will be posting much for the next several months. The hustle and bustle of work have taken precedence(a very good thing!), plus the Lord has blessed my wife and I with an extremely small child
growing in the womb of my wife as I type this. (That last link is how we told our family) Apparently her anatomy is such that it finds the idea of this small child growing within it somewhat repulsive as almost anything she eats comes back up and almost any type of food does not sound appealing to her. Word on the street is that after 3 months, these symptoms usually taper off- she is one week away from the 3 month mark so we will wait and see.
If you feel so inclined to do- please pray that I will be a minister to her throughout this whole time and will not be selfish when it comes to wants and needs. I need to remind myself of
my role.
Thanks to all who have read and will continue to check back on occasion. Who knows, maybe some of the other contributors will write more often. To be continued...