Friday, August 8, 2008

Youth Ministry: A Biblical Approach

Barry Maxwell has taken up the issue of youth ministry in a 3 part series and addresses the issue in a way that is contra pop-"christian" culture (read: Biblical).

I don't know how often you peruse the links on the side to other blogs, but I would encourage you to add this blog to your list that you check regularly, especially if you are in the ministry.

Here is a snippet of part one of his 3 part series:

Some question about youth ministry arises often at our church. Visiting parents ask what we have for their teenagers. Members wonder what we're doing for the "youth." By modern standards we have or do very little. No glitzy youth building for youth "worship." No services designed to package God's truth in sound bites teenagers can understand. No teen-centered atmosphere that defines our church. But, we do have a youth ministry.

There is a rampant adolescentizing force that raises adults/parents to act more like children rather than training children for adulthood.

You can read more here.

Some questions:
-Does scripture give credence to youth ministry as practiced in America today?
-Does youth ministry seem to be more pragmatic than biblical?
-Is the rise of youth ministry a sign of a failing of another part of the church?
-Do you agree with Barry? If not why?
-Was the 3 part series eye-opening to you?
-Does it go against what you grew up with? How do you rectify your experience with what scripture teaches?

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